Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do you ask me for the same information and copy my insurance card every time I register for an appointment?
A: Many patients change insurance companies, address and other account information frequently, even weekly. If the most current information is not used to file your service claims, insurance companies reject the claim or you the patient get billed incorrectly. This causes dissatisfaction for some of our patients. We have found that although this may be viewed as inconvenient or unnecessary to our patients, we are merely trying to make sure that their claims are handled as accurately and efficiently as possible.
Q: Does it matter which doctor I see?
A: In general, no. All of our physicians are experienced clinicians with Board certification in their area of expertise. Patients referred for special testing may be referred to a physician who has specific training in that area. If your health issue requires a specific physician, our appointment personnel will notify you.
Q: How do I choose a primary care physician?
A: Choosing a primary care physician allows you the option of selecting a provider based on what is most important to you and your family. At the Elkhart Clinic, we give you numerous options for primary care between family medicine and adult medicine. The information provided on this site should help you decide who you think will most closely meet your or your family’s needs.
Q: What if I need to see a specialist?
A: You and your primary care physician together will determine the need to see a consulting specialist. Please be familiar with your insurance plan and its requirements for referral to specialists. This will help you, your physician and our staff in moving the process along efficiently.
Q: How do I access Urgent Care?
A: If you have a question about whether you should be seen in Urgent Care, we urge you to check with your primary care physician or his/her nurse and have them refer you to Urgent Care. They may in many cases be able to work you into their schedule that day. After hours, contact your primary care physician through the Elkhart Clinic phone number. If it is a minor injury or you are in urgent need of attention, you may go directly to Urgent Care. And, of course in the case of life threatening illness or serious accidental bodily injury, go directly to the hospital emergency room and ask them to notify your primary care physician.
Q: Where is your office located?
A: Our main office is located at 303 S. Nappanee Street in Elkhart, Indiana. You can obtain directions from our website.
Q: What will happen on my first appointment?
A: Before your first visit, you will be mailed and required to fill out a comprehensive health history questionnaire. This may take about 15 minutes, but is time well spent. This exercise forces you to recall details of your past medical history and puts things in perspective for the doctor. This would also be a good time for you to write down any questions you may have. When you arrive at our facility, our Central Registration personnel will also verify that we have correct demographic data such as your current address and contact information. They will also need to review your current insurance information – so be sure to bring your insurance cards with you. They will also need to check that we received authorization for the visit, if necessary.
You will then proceed to the appropriate patient care area where your vitals signs will be recorded. Most patients will be asked to partially disrobe and put on a paper examination gown. The doctor will then interview you and perform a focused physical examination. Depending on the problem, this may include listening to the lungs/heart, and examining the abdomen. After you are dressed, the doctor will join you to discuss his/her assessment of the situation and what tests may be needed. You are welcome to bring along a family member or friend to join you for this discussion if you wish. Sometimes two sets of ears are better than one.
Q: How can I best prepare for my first office visit?
A: If you are new to our practice or have not been seen for over a year, please come early to allow time to fill out necessary paperwork. Bring a written list of all of your current medications or put them in a paper bag and bring them along with you. Write down a list of all prior major illnesses, operations, hospitalization, and medical allergies. Be aware of what illnesses run in your family. Don’t forget to bring your insurance cards with you.
(To save time, you may wish to download our Pre-Registration Form that is located on this site. Print it out and write down the information and bring it with you on the day of your appointment.)